Det här dokumentet gällande visir nästa säsong (Ht -06 i USA, 2007 i Sverige) har skickats till de berörda inför säsongen.
"MEMORANDUM April 4, 2006
TO: NCAA Football Athletic Trainers and Equipment Managers.
FROM: Charles Broyles, chair NCAA Football Rules Committee
Tim Neal, liaison National Athletic Trainers Association.
SUBJECT: Football Rules Committee approved rules.
The Football Rules Committee approved several rules changes during its annual meeting February 6-8 that affect athletic trainers and equipment managers. These changes were subsequently approved by the Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP) on March 13.
Please make note of these rules, which take effect this fall:
Rule 1-4-5-s, Eye Shields. In the illegal equipment rules, only eye shields that are completely clear will be allowed. Therefore, waivers will no longer be given for tinted eye shields, regardless of circumstance.
In reports from the NCAA’s Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sport and the National Athletic Trainers Association, both groups supported eliminating this allowance. Both groups noted that there are alternatives to the helmet shields if an eye condition warrants protection (contact lenses, sport goggles, etc.). Coaches in the NCAA rules survey also overwhelmingly supported the change.
Rule 2-15-4-c, Kicking Tee. This rule was altered to shorten the kicking tee from two inches to one inch.
It will read: “A tee is a device that elevates the ball for kicking purposes. It may not elevate the ball’s lowest point more than one inch above the ground (A.R .2-15-4-1).”
Thank you for your attention to these items.
cc: Selected Staff Members"
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